VHF ROC-MC Commercial
3 Day Course
2 Day a Bridge course
Weekend courses available

VHF Radio  GMDSS Restricted Operator Certificate ROC (MC)

QMTC is Industry Canada Accredited to present these courses (even though it is taking a while to get listed as such on their WEB site)

This course is required by law to legally operate a VHF radio commercial or on non-pleasure passenger vessels and commercial vessels requiring GMDSS fitted equipment and any Master limited certificate 60 Ton and up.

VHF/DSC is a vital piece of safety equipment allowing you to receive safety messages put out by other boaters and the Coast Guard. Get the latest weather report and talk to your friends. Required for most master limited commercial courses.

The course is 20 hours and entails classroom along with a practical sessions simulating emergencies on the water using proper radio etiquette with VHF radio simulators.

QuickNAV VHF instructors are certified by Industry Canada to administer the exam at the end of the course. Upon passing the course you will receive from Industry Canada, your lifetime Restricted Operators Certificate (Maritime Commercial) ROC – MC

North Vancouver, BC
Classroom 3 – 223 Mountain Highway and Main St.
in the St. John Ambulance Building behind Wendys
Course Dates

Cost $425.00 + GST 3 Day course
Includes instruction, manual and test.
Do you have ROC M? we have a 2 Day Upgrade to ROC MC $300
Looking for a WEEKEND course?
Please Call

April 29 to May 1 2017;0900 to 1630;Classroom 3
Jun3 24 to 26 2017; 0900 to 1630;Classroom 3
Sept 16 to 18 2017; 0900 to 1630;Classroom 3

****If you cannot attend any of these dates or locations that suit your group needs please contact QuickNAV to arrange another course time (min 4 students per class****