Coastal Navigation Chart Reading

Coastal Navigation CN 1

This Coastal Navigation course combines in-class and home study training. It is a course that consists of a printed text/workbook for home study, sample and real time chart work and instructor assistance. Navigational tools used during the course include dividers, a parallel ruler or Chart plotter, and charts which are loaned to the student or you can bring your own or purchase from us as a package at a reduced student rate.

This course, along with our Basic Power or Sail Course with hands on training, provides you the confidence to operate your vessel in local BC waters during daylight hours. Upon completion of the test you will be awarded a QuickNAV credit Card Style certification.

$245.00 +GST

Coastal Navigation CN2

This Coastal Navigation CN2 along with Our CN1 course combines in-class and home study training. It is the second part of our Coastal Navigation course and consists of a printed text/workbook for home study, sample and real time chart work and instructor assistance.

This course, along with our Basic Power with hands on training, entitles you to charter in local Vancouver and International waters during daylight hours. Advanced plotting, Tide and Current Calculations along with GPS and Chart Plotting using our state of the art simulator will be part of this course.

$245.00 +GST

Basic Chart Reading

For those getting started at plotting a course or needing a refresher  this clinic gets you familiar with your chart. You will learn the symbols of Chart 1, how to plot a course, read the Tide and Current tables. A one evening refresher gives you the basic knowledge to safely plot, label and read your chart.

$115.00 +GST

 ISPA courses available:

Understanding Charting Symbols

Dead Reckoning

Two Bearing Fix

Finding Course to Steer

Finding Your position

Tide and Current Calculations

Publications: Lights Buoys List

Notice to Mariners, Small Craft Guide

Charting Exercises

Electronic Navigation

QuickNAV provides all instruments and reference materials needed for the Basic Chart Reading, CN1, CN2, Courses. You can also purchase plotting instruments at student discount rates from QuickNAV

North Vancouver, BC
901 West 3rd St North Vancouver
sign up for our Home study course.

CN 1
Chart Reading
on the first evening


Date Time location